Tuesday, September 18, 2007

my English...

For my dear teachers to judge, if my enguish had really improved through the months of hard work!!
ah KiaT did receive positive feedback though...

a proper Cambridge English standard composition....

Once upon a time...

hahas, so simple...
okie lets start!

Let's talk about Physical Fitness today.
Rainer clearing his IPPT this month,
Lawry & Marcus next month.
ah KiaT should be too...

Wacharawayne keep challenging me to IPPT static..
Well, talk to my records, as they speak for themselves.
Haha. Anyway, IPPT isn't challenging one another, rather is to challenge yourself, aiming for a higher target.

To prepare for IPPT, self training is needed.
ah KiaT went to gym last saturday and did a pretty good workout.
To prepare for his run, he clocked the treadmill at speed 14.4Km/h, though without an incline of 2.0 degree.

It was tough to complete at this speed, especially after a long period of non-intensive run. It is always good to measure your heartrate after any run, to judge how intensive the workout is.

ah KiaT is working at 76% of his maximum heartbeat, which is considered moderately high intensity. However, more training is needed to push to a higher level. Definitely not now, as ah KiaT is not conditioned enough.

Maximum Heartbeat = 220 - age
ie: ah KiaT maximum heartbeat = 220 - 18 = 202.

So folks, even if you are not taking any IPPT,
it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Exercise regulary, eat healthy and drink plenty of water.
Sleep early too, though supper is mandatory.


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